alden historical society

Programs are presented September through June on the second Thursday of each month, at 7 pm. Programs are held in the Alden Community Center, 13116 Main Street, at the entrance to the Alden Town Park and next to the Alden Veterans Memorial.

Please join us at the Alden Community Center for our next program on Thursday, April 10 at 7 pm.  We will be holding an Alden “Antiques Roadshow” in conjunction with Moyer Auction & Estate Co.

Speakers from various organizations have told the stories of many different people and places. We have learned about the history of Alden and Millgrove, the era of the Blackwater Baths, the glorious time of the Pan American Expo, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Townline secession from the Union, and about famous people buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery.

We have also played trivia games and enjoyed other fun activities. Refreshments for all to enjoy are provided by volunteers.

Our monthly programs are advertised by flyer, on our Facebook page and in the Alden Advertiser. A small introduction is also in each quarterly issue of the Grannytown Gazette. All are welcome to attend these programs. Come and learn something new.

alden historical society