There are many ways you can help your Historical Society.
CONTRIBUTIONS are always welcome. We also hold an annual Fund Appeal in early December. Monetary donations at any time of the year are always appreciated.
We are a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax deductible. You may donate by mailing in a donation with a check. Thank you for your support!
VOLUNTEER... Volunteers and members are essential to the Society’s mission. There are many ways to help – as a guide, gardening, or assisting with educational programs. Tell us your interests and skills and we can put them to good use. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at 716-937-3700 or email aldenhistsoc@gmail.com to become involved.
Volunteers are needed to:
- Be a docent at the Alden Heritage Center.
- Be a docent at the Henskee Road Schoolhouse.
- Assist with educational programs.
- Hand out materials at the Alden Community Center.
- Help with special events.
- Serve on committees. Present committees include:
o Membership
o Collections
o Publicity/Newsletter
o Program/Refreshments
o Building and Grounds
o Fundraising
o Nominating
o Audit
o Budget
o Historical Marker/Signs
REMEMBER US IN YOUR WILL…Please consider the Alden Historical Society in your will and estate planning. To ensure that your bequest is properly delivered, contributions should be designated to the Alden Historical Society, with a mailing address of 13213 Broadway, Alden, NY 14004. Thank you for helping us preserve, present and promote Alden history for future generations.
Donate to the Alden Historical Society with PayPal: